In a bizarre twist, a young man from Garissa has been exposed for pulling off an elaborate disguise as a woman in a bold attempt to con unsuspecting victims. His scheme, aimed at exploiting a senior Isiolo County official, came crashing down when his true identity was uncovered in dramatic fashion.
The man, whose name remains undisclosed, went to great lengths to perfect his deception. Wearing a buibui and a bralette to mimic a woman’s physique, he also donned a black top to complete the illusion. However, his plan unraveled after raising suspicions during an interaction with the official.
Public Unmasking at the Police Station
The charade ended in humiliation when the man was forced to strip in front of a crowd at a police station, revealing his disguise. A video capturing the shocking moment showed him being undressed from the buibui and bralette back to his jeans, leaving onlookers in disbelief.
The dramatic exposure has since gone viral on social media, sparking conversations about the lengths some people will go to for financial gain.
Family’s Role in the Scheme
In a surprising twist, Mahat Ali Kappaze, a local who visited the police station, revealed that the man’s family was allegedly behind the scheme. According to Mahat, the family had devised the plan as a desperate attempt to raise money for rent and food.
“They planned to stop the scheme a day before his arrest,” Mahat disclosed. He also claimed the suspect’s mother had even purchased a car using funds collected through TikTok, where they showcased the young man disguised as a woman.
Social Media Buzz
The incident has ignited debates online, with many questioning the ethical implications of the family’s actions while others sympathize with their financial struggles. Regardless, the story of the “Garissa Conman” serves as a vivid reminder of the creativity—and risk—that desperation can inspire.