In a chilling incident that has left the community in shock, a fourth-year Tom Mboya University student has died following hours of severe torture in a local restaurant. Police in Homa Bay County arrested seven individuals on Friday, December 21, after responding to an alarming report from the county’s enforcement officer.
The victim was discovered in a gruesome state—beaten, stripped, and bound with ropes at a restaurant. His hands and legs were tied to a metal bar, and he had multiple head injuries, possibly from repeated blows. Officers who arrived on the scene described the student as bleeding heavily, indicating the extent of the abuse. Despite being rushed to the Homa Bay County Referral Hospital, he tragically passed away due to his injuries.
The arrests of the seven suspects, all workers at the restaurant, followed swiftly after the discovery. Police are now investigating the circumstances leading up to the student’s death, with the body currently awaiting a post-mortem to uncover further details.
This disturbing case mirrors another recent tragedy, where a University of Nairobi student was found murdered in Nairobi’s Mwiki area. The 20-year-old student’s body, discovered in a thicket, showed signs of severe injuries, prompting homicide detectives to probe the case. Could there be a connection between the two incidents? Only time will tell as investigations continue.
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