Eight lives were tragically lost when a trailer descending the Nairagie-Enkare escarpment lost control, crashing into multiple vehicles along the Narok-Nairobi Highway.
Among the survivors, a woman identified as Morine Olure recounted her narrow escape. She revealed that one of the vehicles involved struck the bus she was traveling in on its side, but fortunately, she and her fellow passengers only sustained minor injuries.
Another eyewitness, Aaron Omurwa, expressed relief that the road was not heavily trafficked at the time of the accident. “If there had been more cars, the trailer would have swept all of them along,” Omurwa remarked.
The devastating crash left a scene of destruction and grief, but for survivors like Morine, it was a moment to reflect on the fragility of life and the fortune of escaping a tragedy.
The accident, which took place on December 23, involved six cars and two motorbikes, resulting in a massive traffic jam. The incident occurred when the driver of a lorry, descending the Nairagie-Enkare escarpment, lost control of the vehicle and crashed into several other vehicles.
“When the trailer lost control, it hit and tagged along two 14-seater matatus that were adjascent to us; there were two vehicles and one of them went and killed people. Another vehicle came and hit our vehcile,” said Morine Olure.Â
All cars were taken to Ntulele Police Station while the injured people were taken Narok County Referral Hospital.
A tragic accident occurred along the Narok-Bomet highway when a Toyota car lost control, veered off its lane, and collided with an oncoming Easy Coach bus. The collision claimed the life of a woman, while three other passengers in the Toyota sustained injuries. Local authorities confirmed the incident, adding that the injured were rushed to Narok Referral Hospital for medical attention.