In a poignant turn of events, Timboroa Senior Chief Moses Kendagor, with the help of compassionate herders, rescued a young woman who had been surviving alone in the unforgiving Timboroa Forest for a month.
Chief Kendagor described the harrowing conditions the woman endured, sleeping in the cold and dangerous wilderness, vulnerable to the elements and wild animals. Her silence and frailty spoke volumes of the pain she had endured.
“It is heartbreaking to imagine the fear and loneliness she must have felt during those nights in the forest,” Kendagor said.
The unidentified woman has been taken to Moi Teaching and Referral Hospital in Eldoret, where she is receiving care. Authorities are now desperately working to find her family and offer her the support she so urgently needs.
Heartbreaking: Uasin Gishu Chief Rescues Young Woman Found Living in Forest for a Month
In a poignant turn of events, Timboroa Senior Chief Moses Kendagor, with the help of compassionate herders, rescued a young woman who had been surviving alone in the unforgiving Timboroa Forest for a month.
Chief Kendagor described the harrowing conditions the woman endured, sleeping in the cold and dangerous wilderness, vulnerable to the elements and wild animals. Her silence and frailty spoke volumes of the pain she had endured.
“It is heartbreaking to imagine the fear and loneliness she must have felt during those nights in the forest,” Kendagor said.
The unidentified woman has been taken to Moi Teaching and Referral Hospital in Eldoret, where she is receiving care. Authorities are now desperately working to find her family and offer her the support she so urgently needs.
They were the ones who reported the matter. She had been seeing on the Nakuru- Eldoret Highway before going deep in the forest where she stayed. The place is dangerous as wild animals and dangerous prey infest it. It is also very cold since it is in the highlands. We do not know how she survived all that while in such an environment,” he said.
Kendagor noted the young lady did not speak but seemed to understand what they said to her.
Lady Rescued and Taken to Moi Teaching and Referral Hospital in Eldoret
The young woman found living in Timboroa Forest has been taken to Moi Teaching and Referral Hospital in Eldoret for further care and evaluation.
Senior Chief Moses Kendagor, who facilitated the rescue, shared that the lady was not warmly dressed and bore no marks or scars to suggest she had been attacked.
“She is intact. Initially, we took her to a resident’s house for shelter, but after two days, she ran away and returned to the forest. We rescued her again, but she vanished into the forest once more. This time, we decided to take her to Moi Teaching and Referral Hospital in Eldoret, where we believe she is safe. Doctors have conducted several tests and confirmed she is physically fine,” Kendagor explained.
The next step is to locate her family. “We believe her family is searching for her as well. Based on the language barrier and foreign currencies from Uganda and the Democratic Republic of Congo found in her possession, we suspect she may not be Kenyan,” he added.